/* All in one */
set lines 1000 pages 9999
COL instance_number FOR 9999 HEA 'Inst';
COL end_time HEA 'End Time';
COL plan_hash_value HEA 'Plan|Hash Value';
COL executions_total FOR 999,999 HEA 'Execs|Total';
COL rows_per_exec HEA 'Rows Per Exec';
COL et_secs_per_exec HEA 'Elap Secs|Per Exec';
COL cpu_secs_per_exec HEA 'CPU Secs|Per Exec';
COL io_secs_per_exec HEA 'IO Secs|Per Exec';
COL cl_secs_per_exec HEA 'Clus Secs|Per Exec';
COL ap_secs_per_exec HEA 'App Secs|Per Exec';
COL cc_secs_per_exec HEA 'Conc Secs|Per Exec';
COL pl_secs_per_exec HEA 'PLSQL Secs|Per Exec';
COL ja_secs_per_exec HEA 'Java Secs|Per Exec';
SELECT 'gv$dba_hist_sqlstat' source,h.instance_number,
TO_CHAR(CAST(s.begin_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time,
TO_CHAR(CAST(s.end_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed_total / h.executions_total), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.iowait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.clwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.apwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.ccwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.plsexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.javexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat h,
dba_hist_snapshot s
WHERE h.sql_id = '&sql_id'
AND h.executions_total > 0
AND s.snap_id = h.snap_id
AND s.dbid = h.dbid
AND s.instance_number = h.instance_number
SELECT 'gv$sqlarea_plan_hash' source,h.inst_id,
TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time,
TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed / h.executions), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.USER_IO_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.PLSQL_EXEC_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.JAVA_EXEC_TIME / h.executions / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec
FROM gv$sqlarea_plan_hash h
WHERE h.sql_id = '&&sql_id'
AND h.executions > 0
order by source ;
/* AWR data */
set lines 1000 pages 9999
COL instance_number FOR 9999 HEA 'Inst';
COL end_time HEA 'End Time';
COL plan_hash_value HEA 'Plan|Hash Value';
COL executions_total FOR 999,999 HEA 'Execs|Total';
COL rows_per_exec HEA 'Rows Per Exec';
COL et_secs_per_exec HEA 'Elap Secs|Per Exec';
COL cpu_secs_per_exec HEA 'CPU Secs|Per Exec';
COL io_secs_per_exec HEA 'IO Secs|Per Exec';
COL cl_secs_per_exec HEA 'Clus Secs|Per Exec';
COL ap_secs_per_exec HEA 'App Secs|Per Exec';
COL cc_secs_per_exec HEA 'Conc Secs|Per Exec';
COL pl_secs_per_exec HEA 'PLSQL Secs|Per Exec';
COL ja_secs_per_exec HEA 'Java Secs|Per Exec';
SELECT h.instance_number,
TO_CHAR(CAST(s.begin_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') snap_time,
TO_CHAR(CAST(s.end_interval_time AS DATE), 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') end_time,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.rows_processed_total / h.executions_total), '999,999,999,999') rows_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.elapsed_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') et_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.cpu_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cpu_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.iowait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') io_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.clwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cl_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.apwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ap_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.ccwait_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') cc_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.plsexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') pl_secs_per_exec,
TO_CHAR(ROUND(h.javexec_time_total / h.executions_total / 1e6, 3), '999,990.000') ja_secs_per_exec
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat h,
dba_hist_snapshot s
WHERE h.sql_id = '&sql_id'
AND h.executions_total > 0
AND s.snap_id = h.snap_id
AND s.dbid = h.dbid
AND s.instance_number = h.instance_number
/* AWR-LIO */
col execs for 999,999,999
col avg_etime for 999,999
col avg_lio for 999,999,999
col avg_pio for 999,999,999
col begin_interval_time for a30
col node for 99999
break on plan_hash_value on startup_time skip 1
select ss.snap_id, ss.instance_number node, begin_interval_time, sql_id, plan_hash_value,
nvl(executions_delta,0) execs,
(elapsed_time_delta/decode(nvl(executions_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta))/1000000 avg_etime,
(buffer_gets_delta/decode(nvl(buffer_gets_delta,0),0,1,executions_delta)) avg_lio,
ROUND(disk_reads_delta/DECODE(executions_delta,0,1, executions_delta),1) avg_pio,
ROUND(rows_processed_delta/DECODE(executions_delta,0, 1, executions_delta), 1) avg_rows,
round(px_servers_execs_delta/decode(executions_delta,0,1, executions_delta), 1) avg_px
where sql_id = nvl('&sql_id','4dqs2k5tynk61')
and ss.snap_id = S.snap_id
and ss.instance_number = S.instance_number
and executions_delta > 0
order by 1, 2, 3;
/* Current Memory */
set linesize 999
col avg_et_secs justify right format 9999999.99
col cost justify right format 9999999999
col timestamp justify center format a25
col parsing_schema_name justify center format a30
col inst_id format 999999999
alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
select 'gv$sqlarea_plan_hash' source, INST_ID, SQL_ID, PLAN_HASH_VALUE,
decode(px_servers_executions,0,1,px_servers_executions)/decode(nvl(executions,0),0,1,executions),2) avg_et_secs,
px_servers_executions/decode(nvl(executions,0),0,1,executions) avg_px,
optimizer_cost cost, LAST_LOAD_TIME timestamp, parsing_schema_name --FIRST_LOAD_TIME, LAST_LOAD_TIME, LAST_ACTIVE_TIME, SQL_PROFILE
from gv$sqlarea_plan_hash
where sql_id = nvl(trim('&sql_id'),sql_id)
SELECT 'dba_hist_sql_plan' source, null INST_ID, t1.sql_id sql_id, t1.plan_hash_value plan_hash_value, t2.avg_et_secs avg_et_secs, t2.avg_px, t1.cost cost, t1.timestamp timestamp, NULL parsing_schema_name
FROM dba_hist_sql_plan t1,
SELECT sql_id, plan_hash_value, --round(SUM(elapsed_time_total)/decode(SUM(executions_total),0,1,SUM(executions_total))/1e6,2) avg_et_secs
decode(SUM(px_servers_execs_total),0,1,SUM(px_servers_execs_total))/decode(SUM(executions_total),0,1,SUM(executions_total)),2) avg_et_secs,
SUM(px_servers_execs_total)/decode(SUM(executions_total),0,1,SUM(executions_total)) avg_px
FROM dba_hist_sqlstat
executions_total > 0
GROUP BY sql_id, plan_hash_value
) t2
t1.sql_id = nvl(TRIM('&sql_id'), t1.sql_id)
AND t1.depth = 0
AND t1.sql_id = t2.sql_id(+)
AND t1.plan_hash_value = t2.plan_hash_value(+)
order by avg_et_secs, cost;