--  Script : nologging_inserts_03.sql
-- This script demonstrates effect of nologging on heap table for bulk insert.
-- Behavior is different from the multi row insert.
--  Author : Riyaj Shamsudeen
--  No implied or explicit warranty !
set serveroutput on size 1000000
prompt Test case : Nologging on HEAP table : Bulk inserts : No index
set timing off
set feedback off
drop table ilp_activity_heap;
create table ilp_activity_heap
item  number not null, 
period  number not null, 
location number not null, 
item_type number not null,
sales_units number(*,8), 
sales_price number(*,8), 
ap_units number (*,8), 
ap_price number(*,8),
fc_units number (*,8), 
fc_price number(*,8)
storage (initial 10M next 10M pctincrease 0)
drop type ilp_activity_table
create or replace type ilp_activity_type   as object
	item  number ,
	period  number ,
	location number ,
	item_type number,
	sales_units number,
	sales_price number,
	ap_units number, 
	ap_price number,
	fc_units number ,
	fc_price number
create or replace type ilp_activity_table is table of ilp_activity_type 
set feedback on
  i number;
  l_begin_redo_size number;
  l_end_redo_size number;
  l_generated_redo number;

  l_begin_time number;
  l_end_time number;
  l_elapsed_time number;

  type item_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item%TYPE;
  type period_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.period%TYPE;
  type location_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.location%TYPE;
  type item_type_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item_type%TYPE;
  type sales_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_units%TYPE;
  type sales_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_price%TYPE;
  type ap_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_units%TYPE;
  type ap_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_price%TYPE;
  type fc_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_units%TYPE;
  type fc_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_price%TYPE;

  l_item_tab  item_tab := item_tab ();
  l_period_tab  period_tab:= period_tab();
  l_location_tab  location_tab:=location_tab();
  l_item_type_tab  item_type_tab:=item_type_tab();
  l_sales_units_tab  sales_units_tab:=sales_units_tab();
  l_sales_price_tab  sales_price_tab:=sales_price_tab();
  l_ap_units_tab  ap_units_tab:=ap_units_tab();
  l_ap_price_tab  ap_price_tab:=ap_price_tab();
  l_fc_units_tab  fc_units_tab:=fc_units_tab();
  l_fc_price_tab  fc_price_tab:=fc_price_tab();

  l_index number := 1;


l_item_tab.extend (79950);
l_period_tab.extend (79950);
l_location_tab.extend (79950);
l_item_type_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_price_tab.extend (79950);

for i in 1 .. 6 loop
  for j  in  1 .. 5 loop
    for k in 1  .. 533 loop
        for l in 1 .. 5 loop
		l_item_tab (l_index) := i;
		l_period_tab (l_index) := j;
		l_location_tab (l_index) := k;
		l_item_type_tab (l_index) := l;
		l_sales_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_sales_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);

		l_index := l_index +1;
        end loop;
    end loop;
  end loop;
end loop;

select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_begin_redo_size from dual;
l_begin_time := dbms_utility.get_time;
  FORALL j in l_item_tab.first .. l_item_tab.last
          insert into ilp_activity_heap
		l_item_tab (j),
		l_period_tab (j),
		l_location_tab (j) ,
		l_item_type_tab (j),
		l_sales_units_tab (j),
		l_sales_price_tab (j),
		l_ap_units_tab (j),
		l_ap_price_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_units_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_price_tab (j)
select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_end_redo_size from dual;
l_end_time := dbms_utility.get_time;

dbms_output.put_line ('Total redo generated for heap table with no index ==>'||to_char( l_end_redo_size - l_begin_redo_size));
dbms_output.put_line ('Elapsed time in seconds ==>'||to_char(trunc(( l_end_time-l_begin_time)/100, 2 )));
prompt Test case : Nologging on HEAP :Bulk inserts with append hint- no index
set timing off
set feedback off
drop table ilp_activity_heap;
create table ilp_activity_heap
item  number not null, 
period  number not null, 
location number not null, 
item_type number not null,
sales_units number(*,8), 
sales_price number(*,8), 
ap_units number (*,8), 
ap_price number(*,8),
fc_units number (*,8), 
fc_price number(*,8)
storage (initial 10M next 10M pctincrease 0)
drop type ilp_activity_table
create or replace type ilp_activity_type   as object
	item  number ,
	period  number ,
	location number ,
	item_type number,
	sales_units number,
	sales_price number,
	ap_units number, 
	ap_price number,
	fc_units number ,
	fc_price number
create or replace type ilp_activity_table is table of ilp_activity_type 
set feedback on
  i number;
  l_begin_redo_size number;
  l_end_redo_size number;
  l_generated_redo number;

  l_begin_time number;
  l_end_time number;
  l_elapsed_time number;

  type item_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item%TYPE;
  type period_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.period%TYPE;
  type location_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.location%TYPE;
  type item_type_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item_type%TYPE;
  type sales_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_units%TYPE;
  type sales_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_price%TYPE;
  type ap_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_units%TYPE;
  type ap_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_price%TYPE;
  type fc_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_units%TYPE;
  type fc_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_price%TYPE;

  l_item_tab  item_tab := item_tab ();
  l_period_tab  period_tab:= period_tab();
  l_location_tab  location_tab:=location_tab();
  l_item_type_tab  item_type_tab:=item_type_tab();
  l_sales_units_tab  sales_units_tab:=sales_units_tab();
  l_sales_price_tab  sales_price_tab:=sales_price_tab();
  l_ap_units_tab  ap_units_tab:=ap_units_tab();
  l_ap_price_tab  ap_price_tab:=ap_price_tab();
  l_fc_units_tab  fc_units_tab:=fc_units_tab();
  l_fc_price_tab  fc_price_tab:=fc_price_tab();

  l_index number := 1;


l_item_tab.extend (79950);
l_period_tab.extend (79950);
l_location_tab.extend (79950);
l_item_type_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_price_tab.extend (79950);

for i in 1 .. 6 loop
  for j  in  1 .. 5 loop
    for k in 1  .. 533 loop
        for l in 1 .. 5 loop
		l_item_tab (l_index) := i;
		l_period_tab (l_index) := j;
		l_location_tab (l_index) := k;
		l_item_type_tab (l_index) := l;
		l_sales_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_sales_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);

		l_index := l_index +1;
        end loop;
    end loop;
  end loop;
end loop;

select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_begin_redo_size from dual;
l_begin_time := dbms_utility.get_time;
  FORALL j in l_item_tab.first .. l_item_tab.last
          insert /*+ append */ into ilp_activity_heap
		l_item_tab (j),
		l_period_tab (j),
		l_location_tab (j) ,
		l_item_type_tab (j),
		l_sales_units_tab (j),
		l_sales_price_tab (j),
		l_ap_units_tab (j),
		l_ap_price_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_units_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_price_tab (j)
select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_end_redo_size from dual;
l_end_time := dbms_utility.get_time;

dbms_output.put_line ('Total redo generated with no compression ==>'||to_char( l_end_redo_size - l_begin_redo_size));
dbms_output.put_line ('Elapsed time in seconds ==>'||to_char(trunc(( l_end_time-l_begin_time)/100, 2 )));
prompt Test case : Nologging on HEAP table : Bulk inserts : one index
set timing off
set feedback off
drop table ilp_activity_heap;
create table ilp_activity_heap
item  number not null, 
period  number not null, 
location number not null, 
item_type number not null,
sales_units number(*,8), 
sales_price number(*,8), 
ap_units number (*,8), 
ap_price number(*,8),
fc_units number (*,8), 
fc_price number(*,8)
storage (initial 10M next 10M pctincrease 0)
create index ilp_activity_heap_index on ilp_activity_heap ( item,period,location,item_type)
storage (initial 10M next 10M )
drop type ilp_activity_table
create or replace type ilp_activity_type   as object
	item  number ,
	period  number ,
	location number ,
	item_type number,
	sales_units number,
	sales_price number,
	ap_units number, 
	ap_price number,
	fc_units number ,
	fc_price number
create or replace type ilp_activity_table is table of ilp_activity_type 
set feedback on
  i number;
  l_begin_redo_size number;
  l_end_redo_size number;
  l_generated_redo number;

  l_begin_time number;
  l_end_time number;
  l_elapsed_time number;

  type item_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item%TYPE;
  type period_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.period%TYPE;
  type location_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.location%TYPE;
  type item_type_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item_type%TYPE;
  type sales_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_units%TYPE;
  type sales_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_price%TYPE;
  type ap_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_units%TYPE;
  type ap_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_price%TYPE;
  type fc_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_units%TYPE;
  type fc_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_price%TYPE;

  l_item_tab  item_tab := item_tab ();
  l_period_tab  period_tab:= period_tab();
  l_location_tab  location_tab:=location_tab();
  l_item_type_tab  item_type_tab:=item_type_tab();
  l_sales_units_tab  sales_units_tab:=sales_units_tab();
  l_sales_price_tab  sales_price_tab:=sales_price_tab();
  l_ap_units_tab  ap_units_tab:=ap_units_tab();
  l_ap_price_tab  ap_price_tab:=ap_price_tab();
  l_fc_units_tab  fc_units_tab:=fc_units_tab();
  l_fc_price_tab  fc_price_tab:=fc_price_tab();

  l_index number := 1;


l_item_tab.extend (79950);
l_period_tab.extend (79950);
l_location_tab.extend (79950);
l_item_type_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_price_tab.extend (79950);

for i in 1 .. 6 loop
  for j  in  1 .. 5 loop
    for k in 1  .. 533 loop
        for l in 1 .. 5 loop
		l_item_tab (l_index) := i;
		l_period_tab (l_index) := j;
		l_location_tab (l_index) := k;
		l_item_type_tab (l_index) := l;
		l_sales_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_sales_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);

		l_index := l_index +1;
        end loop;
    end loop;
  end loop;
end loop;

select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_begin_redo_size from dual;
l_begin_time := dbms_utility.get_time;
  FORALL j in l_item_tab.first .. l_item_tab.last
          insert into ilp_activity_heap
		l_item_tab (j),
		l_period_tab (j),
		l_location_tab (j) ,
		l_item_type_tab (j),
		l_sales_units_tab (j),
		l_sales_price_tab (j),
		l_ap_units_tab (j),
		l_ap_price_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_units_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_price_tab (j)
select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_end_redo_size from dual;
l_end_time := dbms_utility.get_time;

dbms_output.put_line ('Total redo generated for heap table with no index ==>'||to_char( l_end_redo_size - l_begin_redo_size));
dbms_output.put_line ('Elapsed time in seconds ==>'||to_char(trunc(( l_end_time-l_begin_time)/100, 2 )));
prompt Test case : Nologging on HEAP :Bulk inserts with append hint- no index
set timing off
set feedback off
drop table ilp_activity_heap;
create table ilp_activity_heap
item  number not null, 
period  number not null, 
location number not null, 
item_type number not null,
sales_units number(*,8), 
sales_price number(*,8), 
ap_units number (*,8), 
ap_price number(*,8),
fc_units number (*,8), 
fc_price number(*,8)
storage (initial 10M next 10M pctincrease 0)
create index ilp_activity_index_heap on ilp_activity_heap ( item,period,location,item_type)
storage (initial 10M next 10M )
drop type ilp_activity_table
create or replace type ilp_activity_type   as object
	item  number ,
	period  number ,
	location number ,
	item_type number,
	sales_units number,
	sales_price number,
	ap_units number, 
	ap_price number,
	fc_units number ,
	fc_price number
create or replace type ilp_activity_table is table of ilp_activity_type 
set feedback on
  i number;
  l_begin_redo_size number;
  l_end_redo_size number;
  l_generated_redo number;

  l_begin_time number;
  l_end_time number;
  l_elapsed_time number;

  type item_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item%TYPE;
  type period_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.period%TYPE;
  type location_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.location%TYPE;
  type item_type_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.item_type%TYPE;
  type sales_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_units%TYPE;
  type sales_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.sales_price%TYPE;
  type ap_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_units%TYPE;
  type ap_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.ap_price%TYPE;
  type fc_units_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_units%TYPE;
  type fc_price_tab is table of  ilp_activity_heap.fc_price%TYPE;

  l_item_tab  item_tab := item_tab ();
  l_period_tab  period_tab:= period_tab();
  l_location_tab  location_tab:=location_tab();
  l_item_type_tab  item_type_tab:=item_type_tab();
  l_sales_units_tab  sales_units_tab:=sales_units_tab();
  l_sales_price_tab  sales_price_tab:=sales_price_tab();
  l_ap_units_tab  ap_units_tab:=ap_units_tab();
  l_ap_price_tab  ap_price_tab:=ap_price_tab();
  l_fc_units_tab  fc_units_tab:=fc_units_tab();
  l_fc_price_tab  fc_price_tab:=fc_price_tab();

  l_index number := 1;


l_item_tab.extend (79950);
l_period_tab.extend (79950);
l_location_tab.extend (79950);
l_item_type_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_sales_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_ap_price_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_units_tab.extend (79950);
l_fc_price_tab.extend (79950);

for i in 1 .. 6 loop
  for j  in  1 .. 5 loop
    for k in 1  .. 533 loop
        for l in 1 .. 5 loop
		l_item_tab (l_index) := i;
		l_period_tab (l_index) := j;
		l_location_tab (l_index) := k;
		l_item_type_tab (l_index) := l;
		l_sales_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_sales_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_ap_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_units_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);
		l_fc_price_tab (l_index) := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, 100),8);

		l_index := l_index +1;
        end loop;
    end loop;
  end loop;
end loop;

select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_begin_redo_size from dual;
l_begin_time := dbms_utility.get_time;
  FORALL j in l_item_tab.first .. l_item_tab.last
          insert /*+ append */ into ilp_activity_heap
		l_item_tab (j),
		l_period_tab (j),
		l_location_tab (j) ,
		l_item_type_tab (j),
		l_sales_units_tab (j),
		l_sales_price_tab (j),
		l_ap_units_tab (j),
		l_ap_price_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_units_tab (j) ,
		l_fc_price_tab (j)
select  get_my_statistics('redo size') into  l_end_redo_size from dual;
l_end_time := dbms_utility.get_time;

dbms_output.put_line ('Total redo generated with no compression ==>'||to_char( l_end_redo_size - l_begin_redo_size));
dbms_output.put_line ('Elapsed time in seconds ==>'||to_char(trunc(( l_end_time-l_begin_time)/100, 2 )));
