col SPID for 99999999
col USER_SO for a10
col USER_DB for a10
col SID for 99999
col SERIAL for 999999
select b.sid SID,
b.serial# SERIAL,
b.username USER_DB,
b.osuser USER_SO,
c.spid SPID,
b.machine HOST_CLIENT,
b.status STATUS,
to_char(b.logon_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') LOGON,
b.inst_id INST_RAC
from gv$session b,
gv$process c
where b.paddr = c.addr
and b.inst_id = c.inst_id
and b.username is not null
and SID=15044
order by c.spid;