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1. Module 1
1. Managing Users and Groups
Creating a user account
Creating user accounts in batch mode
Creating a group
Adding group members
Deleting a user account
Managing file permissions
Getting root privileges with sudo
Setting password less sudo
Other uses of sudo
Setting resource limits with limits.conf
Setting up public key authentication
Working of SSH authentication
Troubleshooting SSH connections
SSH tools for the Windows platform
Securing user accounts
2. Networking
Connecting to a network with a static IP
IPv6 configuration
Installing the DHCP server
Installing the DNS server
Hiding behind the proxy with squid
Access control list
Set cache refresh rules
Sarg – tool to analyze squid logs
Squid guard
Being on time with NTP
Discussing load balancing with HAProxy
Tuning the TCP stack
Troubleshooting network connectivity
Securing remote access with OpenVPN
Securing a network with uncomplicated firewall
Securing against brute force attacks
Discussing Ubuntu security best practices
3. Working with Web Servers
Installing and configuring the Apache web server
HTTP version 2 support
Serving dynamic contents with PHP
PHP settings
Installing the LAMP stack
Upgrading PHP under Ubuntu 14
Hosting multiple websites with a virtual domain
Securing web traffic with HTTPS
Installing Nginx with PHP_FPM
Setting Nginx as a reverse proxy
HAProxy and Varnish
Load balancing with Nginx
Setting HTTPs on Nginx
Benchmarking and performance tuning of Apache
Securing the web server
Troubleshooting the web server
Web server not accessible
Virtual host not accessible
Access denied or forbidden errors
Apache downloads .php files
4. Working with Mail Servers
Sending e-mails with Postfix
Enabling IMAP and POP3 with Dovecot
Adding e-mail accounts
Web console for virtual mailbox administration
Mail filtering with spam-assassin
Troubleshooting the mail server
Installing the Zimbra mail server
5. Handling Databases
Installing relational databases with MySQL
There’s more…
Securing MySQL installation
Storing and retrieving data with MySQL
Importing and exporting bulk data
Adding users and assigning access rights
There’s more…
Removing user accounts
Setting resource limits
Installing web access for MySQL
There’s more…
Setting backups
Optimizing MySQL performance – queries
There’s more…
Sharding MySQL
Optimizing MySQL performance – configuration
There’s more…
Percona configuration wizard
MySQL table compression
Creating MySQL replicas for scaling and high availability
There’s more…
Troubleshooting MySQL
Installing MongoDB
Storing and retrieving data with MongoDB
There’s more…
6. Network Storage
Installing the Samba server
Tools for personal file sharing
Adding users to the Samba server
Installing the secure FTP server
Synchronizing files with Rsync
Performance tuning the Samba server
Troubleshooting the Samba server
Checking network connectivity
Checking the Samba service
Checking Samba logs
Checking Samba configuration
Installing the Network File System
7. Cloud Computing
Creating virtual machine with KVM
Managing virtual machines with virsh
Easy cloud images with uvtool
Setting up your own cloud with OpenStack
Adding a cloud image to OpenStack
Launching a virtual instance with OpenStack
Installing Juju a service orchestration framework
Managing services with Juju
8. Working with Containers
Installing LXD,the Linux container daemon
Deploying your first container with LXD
Managing LXD containers
Managing LXD containers – advanced options
Setting resource limits on LXD containers
Networking with LXD
Installing Docker
Starting and managing Docker containers
Creating images with a Dockerfile
Understanding Docker volumes
Deploying WordPress using a Docker network
Monitoring Docker containers
Securing Docker containers
9. Streaming with Ampache
Installing the Ampache server
Uploading contents and creating catalogs
Setting on-the-fly transcoding
Enabling API access for remote streaming
Streaming music with Ampache
10. Communication Server with XMPP
Installing Ejabberd
Creating users and connecting with the XMPP client
Configuring the Ejabberd installation
Creating web client with Strophe.js
Enabling group chat
Chat server with Node.js
11. Git Hosting
Installing Git
Creating a local repository with Git CLI
Storing file revisions with Git commit
Synchronizing the repository with a remote server
GitHub pages
Receiving updates with Git pull
Creating repository clones
Installing GitLab,your own Git hosting
Adding users to the GitLab server
Creating a repository with GitLab
Automating common tasks with Git hooks
12. Collaboration Tools
Installing the VNC server
Installing Hackpad,a collaborative document editor
Using Hackpad with Docker
Installing Mattermost – a self-hosted slack alternative
Installing OwnCloud,self-hosted cloud storage
13. Performance Monitoring
Monitoring the CPU
Monitoring memory and swap
Monitoring the network
Monitoring storage
Setting performance benchmarks
Graphing tools
More options
14. Centralized Authentication Service
Installing OpenLDAP
Installing phpLDAPadmin
Ubuntu server logins with LDAP
Authenticating Ejabberd users with LDAP
2. Module 2
1. Installing CentOS
Downloading CentOS and confirming the checksum on Windows
or OS X
Creating USB installation media on Windows or OS X
Performing an installation of CentOS using the graphical installer
Running a netinstall over HTTP
Installing CentOS 7 using a kickstart file
Getting started and customising the boot loader
Troubleshooting the system in rescue mode
Reaching rescue mode
Accessing the filesystem
Accessing the filesystem
Re-install the CentOS boot loader
Updating the installation and enhancing the minimal install with
additional administration and development tools
2. Configuring the System
Navigating text files with less
Introduction to Vim
Speaking the right language
Synchronizing the system clock with NTP and the chrony suite
Setting your hostname and resolving the network
Building a static network connection
Becoming a superuser
Customizing your system banners and messages
Priming the kernel
3. Managing the System
Knowing and managing your background services
Troubleshooting background services
Tracking system resources with journald
Configuring journald to make it persistent
Managing users and their groups
Scheduling tasks with cron
Synchronizing files and doing more with rsync
Maintaining backups and taking snapshots
Monitoring important server infrastructure
Taking control with GIT and Subversion
How it works
4. Managing Packages with YUM
Using YUM to update the system
Using YUM to search for packages
Using YUM to install packages
Using YUM to remove packages
Keeping YUM clean and tidy
Knowing your priorities
Using a third-party repository
Creating a YUM repository
Working with the RPM package manager
5. Administering the Filesystem
Creating a virtual block device
Formatting and mounting a filesystem
Using disk quotas
Enabling user and group quotas
Enabling project (directory) quotas
Maintaining a filesystem
Extending the capacity of the filesystem
6. Providing Security
Locking down remote access and hardening SSH
Changing the SSH port number of your server
Limiting SSH access by user or group
Installing and configuring fail2ban
Working with a firewall
Forging the firewall rules by example
To change an existing firewalld service (ssh)
To create your own new service
Generating self-signed certificates
Using secure alternatives to FTP
Securing your vsftpd server with SSL–FTPS
Securing your vsftpd server using SSH – SFTP
7. Building a Network
Printing with CUPS
How to add a network printer to the CUPS server
How to share a local printer to the CUPS server
Running a DHCP server
Using WebDAV for file sharing
Installing and configuring NFS
Installing and configuring the NFS server
Creating an export share
Working with NFS
Securely sharing resources with Samba
8. Working with FTP
Installing and configuring the FTP service
Working with virtual FTP users
Customizing the FTP service
Troubleshooting users and file transfers
9. Working with Domains
Installing and configuring a caching-only nameserver
Configuring a caching-only Unbound DNS server
Configuring a forwarding only DNS server
Setting up an authoritative-only DNS server
Creating an integrated nameserver solution
How it works
Populating the domain
Building a secondary (slave) DNS server
Changes to the primary DNS server
Changes to the secondary DNS server(s)
10. Working with Databases
Installing a MariaDB database server
Managing a MariaDB database
Reviewing and revoking permissions or dropping a user
Allowing remote access to a MariaDB server
Installing a PostgreSQL server and managing a database
Configuring remote access to PostgreSQL
Installing phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin
Installing and configuring phpMyAdmin
Installing and configuring phpPgAdmin
11. Providing Mail Services
Configuring a domain-wide mail service with Postfix
Changing an e-mails appearing domain name
Using TLS- (SSL) encryption for SMTP communication
Configure BIND to use your new mailserver
Working with Postfix
Connecting mailx to a remote MTA
Reading your local mails from the mailbox
Delivering the mail with Dovecot
Setting up e-mail software
Using Fetchmail
Configuring Fetchmail with gmail.com and outlook.com email
Automating Fetchmail
12. Providing Web Services
Installing Apache and serving web pages
Enabling system users and building publishing directories
Implementing name-based hosting
Implementing CGI with Perl and Ruby
Creating your first Perl CGI script
Creating your first Ruby CGI script
Installing,configuring,and testing PHP
Securing Apache
Configuring httpd.conf to provide better security
Removing unneeded httpd modules
Protecting your Apache files
Setting up HTTPS with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
13. Operating System-Level Virtualization
Installing and configuring Docker
Downloading an image and running a container
Stopping and starting a container
Attaching and interacting with your container
Creating your own images from Dockerfiles and uploading to
Docker Hub
Uploading your image to the Docker Hub
Setting up and working with a private Docker registry
Steps to be done on our Docker registry server
Steps to be done on every client needing access to our
14. Working with SELinux
Installing and configuring important SELinux tools
Working with SELinux security contexts
Working with policies
Troubleshooting SELinux
15. Monitoring IT Infrastructure
Installing and configuring Nagios Core
Setting up NRPE on remote client hosts
Monitoring important remote system metrics
3. Module 3
1. Working with KVM Guests
Installing and configuring a KVM
Manual installation
Kickstart installation
Graphical setup during the systems setup
Configuring resources
Creating storage pools
Querying storage pools
Removing storage pools
Creating a virtual network
Removing networks
Local storage pools
Networked or shared storage pools
Building guests
Create a guest
Deleting a guest
Adding CPUs on the fly
On the KVM host,perform the following steps:
On the KVM guest,perform the following:
Adding RAM on the fly
Adding disks on the fly
Moving disks to another storage
Moving VMs
Live native migration over the default network
Live native migration over a dedicated network
Backing up your VM metadata
2. Deploying RHEL "En Masse"
Creating a kickstart file
Publishing your kickstart file using httpd
Deploying a system using PXE
Deploying a system using a custom boot ISO file
3. Configuring Your Network
Creating a VLAN interface
Creating the VLAN connection with nmcli
Creating the VLAN connection with nmtui
Creating the VLAN connection with kickstart
Creating a teamed interface
Creating the teamed interface using nmcli
Creating the teamed interface using nmtui
Creating the teamed interface with kickstart
Creating a bridge
Creating a bridge using nmcli
Creating a bridge using nmtui
Creating a bridge with kickstart
Configuring IPv4 settings
Setting your IPv4 configuration using nmcli
Setting your IPv4 configuration using nmtui
Configuring your DNS resolvers
Setting your DNS resolvers using nmcli
Setting your DNS resolvers using nmtui
Configuring static network routes
Configuring static network routes using nmcli
Configuring network routes using nmtui
4. Configuring Your New System
The systemd service and setting runlevels
Starting and stopping systemd services
Configuring the systemd journal for persistence
Monitoring services using journalctl
Configuring logrotate
Managing time
Managing time through chrony
Managing time through ntpd
Configuring your boot environment
Configuring smtp
5. Using SELinux
Changing file contexts
Temporary context changes
Persistent file context changes
Configuring SELinux booleans
Listing SELinux booleans
Changing SELinux booleans
Configuring SELinux port definitions
Troubleshooting SELinux
Creating SELinux policies
Applying SELinux policies
6. Orchestrating with Ansible
Install Ansible
Installing the latest tarball
Installing cutting edge from Git
Installing Ansible from the EPEL repository
Configuring the Ansible inventory
The static inventory file
The dynamic inventory file
host_vars files
group_vars files
Creating a template for a kickstart file
Creating a playbook to deploy a new VM with kickstart
Creating a playbook to perform system configuration tasks
Troubleshooting Ansible
7. Puppet Configuration Management
Installing and configuring Puppet Master
Installing and configuring the Puppet agent
Defining a simple module to configure time
Defining nodes and node grouping
Create the configuration node
Create a node group
Deploying modules to single nodes and node groups
Configure to deploy a module or manifest to a single client
Configure to deploy a module or manifest to a node group
Configure to deploy to all registered systems
Deploy to a system
8. Yum and Repositories
Managing yum history
Your yum history
Information about a yum transaction or package
Undoing/redoing certain yum transactions
Roll back to a certain point in your transaction history
Creating a copy of an RHN repository
Syncing RHN repositories
Configuring additional repositories
Setting up yum to automatically update
Configuring logrotate for yum
Recovering from a corrupted RPM database
9. Securing RHEL 7
Installing and configuring IPA
Installing the IPA server
Installing the IPA client
Securing the system login
Configuring privilege escalation with sudo
Secure the network with firewalld
Showing the currently allowed services and ports on your
Allowing incoming requests for NFS (v4)
Allowing incoming requests on an arbitrary port
Using kdump and SysRq
Installing and configuring kdump and SysRq
Using kdump tools to analyze the dump
Using ABRT
Installing and configuring abrtd
Using abrt-cli
Auditing the system
Configuring a centralized syslog server to accept audit logs
Some audit rules
Showing audit logs for the preceding rules
10. Monitoring and Performance Tuning
Tuning your systems performance
Setting up PCP – Performance Co-Pilot
The default installation
The central collector
Monitoring basic system performance
Monitoring CPU performance
Monitoring RAM performance
Monitoring storage performance
Monitoring network performance